Sunday, October 15


Visit the Pre-Meeting Workshops page (
https://mwacd.abrf.org/mwacd-2023/workshops/) for more details.

Monday, October 16

8:00 amShuttle from DoubleTree to Core Tour hubs
8:30 – 11:30 am

Core Tours
Sponsored by:


11:45 amShuttle from Core Tours to NCRC

Pre-registration required. Visit the Core Tours page (https://mwacd.abrf.org/mwacd-2023/tours/) for more details.

TimeRoomSessionSpeaker(s) & Title
12:00 – 1:00 pmMain PlenaryRegistration and Lunch
Presentation: Planet Blue (https://planetblue.umich.edu/)
1:00 – 1:10 pmMain PlenaryWelcome and Introduction

Evan Keller, DVM, Ph.D. | University of Michigan Medicine

Steve Kunkel, Ph.D. | University of Michigan Medicine

1:10 – 1:55 pmMain PlenaryKeynote
Jessica Turnier, M.D. | C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, University of Michigan
A team science approach to accelerate precision medicine in juvenile dermatomyositis
1:55 – 2:05 pmMain PlenaryBreak & Exhibitors
2:05 – 2:20 pmMain PlenaryPlatinum Sponsor Talk

Isaku Tanida, Ph.D.
Expanding operational flexibility with new AVITI features and products

2:20 – 3:50 pmMain PlenaryPlenary Roundtable Session
Problem-Solving (submit your ideas during registration)
3:50 – 4:00 pmMain PlenaryBreak & Exhibitors
4:00 – 4:15 pmMain PlenaryTitanium Sponsor Talk

ARGO HT: Proteomics at the push of a button – liquid based protein biomarker detection with unrivaled sensitivity and simplicity

4:15 – 5:00 pmMain PlenaryInvited Plenary Talk

Ivo D. Dinov, Ph.D. | SOCR, University of Michigan
AI in biomedicine and health – research promises, education perils and clinical practice impact

6:00 – 10:00 pm

Halloween Party and Costume Contest at the Yankee Air Museum
• NCRC or Double Tree to Yankee Air Museum – 5:30 pm / 5:45 pm / 6:00 pm
• Yankee Air Museum to Double Tree – 9:00 pm / 10:00 pm

Tuesday, October 17

TimeRoomSessionSpeaker(s) & Title
8:00 – 9:00 amMain PlenaryRegistration and Breakfast
9:00 – 9:15 amMain PlenaryABRF Welcome and Introduction
Marie Adams, M.S. | ABRF President
9:15 – 9:30 amMain PlenaryPlatinum Sponsor Talk

Unlocking the efficiency of your core lab with Eppendorf epMotion automation

9:30 – 10:15 amMain PlenaryInvited Plenary Talk
Justin Colacino | Michigan Medicine
Single cell and spatial ‘omics studies in environmental health sciences
10:15 – 10:30 amMain PlenaryBreak & Exhibitors
10:30 – 11:45 pmBreakout Session I
 South AtriumBeyond Bio

Sarah Chapman, M.B.A. | Integrated Imaging Facility, University of Notre Dame
Integrating imaging provides a window of opportunity

Emily Nonnamaker, M.S. | Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame
Can we better understand baboon social behavior using chemical communication?

Bobby Kerns | Materials Research Institute, University of Michigan
3D characterization across multiple length scales

Session Chair: Ian Lightcap, Ph.D.

 G063/G064Professional Development

Kelcey Stratton, Ph.D. | Office of Counseling & Workplace Resilience, Michigan Medicine
Compassionate leadership: caring for your team and caring for yourself

Session Chair: Jessie Pirtle

11:45 – 12:45 pmMain Plenary

Lunch & Gold Sponsor Flash Talks

Flash updates on 10x Genomics solutions
Egon Ranghini, Ph.D., Senior Science and Technology Advisor

Sequencing Innovation and Education at Illumina
Kayla Zochowski, Ph.D., Sr. Sequencing Specialist, Great Lakes

Game-changing products for high-accuracy sequencing
Turner Duncan, Territory Account Manager

Single-cell omics at scale: instrument-free library preparation with combinatorial indexing
Pace Cranney

How 3D genomics can strengthen your multi-omics approach to scientific research
Brenda Trevino, National Sales Manager

Tools for Targeted Genomics Discovery with NGS and (F)ISH
Alison Devault, Ph.D., Director of Product Management

12:45 – 2:00 pmBreakout Session II
 South AtriumMulti-Core Workflows and Collaborations

Jessica Back, Ph.D. | Microscopy, Imaging and Cytometry Resources Core, Wayne State University
Topic: Microscopy, Imaging, and Cytometry

Tom Lanigan, Ph.D. | Vector Core, Michigan Medicine
Topic: Vector/CRISPR and Transgenic

Ryan Sheldon, Ph.D. | Mass Spectrometry Core, Van Andel Institute
Topic: Mass Spectrometry and Genomics

Session Chair: Molly Zeller, M.S.

 G063/G064Business Planning

Andy Ott, Ph.D. | Office for Research, Northwestern University
The Fog of Core: Development of Formal Business Plans vs Agile Delivery of Services

Jennifer Peters, Ph.D. | Microscopy Core, Michigan Medicine
Case Study

Session Chair: Mary Winn, Ph.D.

2:00 – 2:15 pmMain PlenaryBreak & Exhibitors
2:15 – 2:30 pmMain PlenaryPlatinum Sponsor Talk

G4 benchtop sequencer: Enhance your core lab sequencing capabilities

2:30 – 3:30 pmMain PlenaryInvited Plenary Talk
Ann Marie DesLauriers-Cox | Flow Cytometry Core, Michigan Medicine
Strategies for successful conflict resolution: you can’t hide in your office and hope the problem goes away
3:30 – 4:00 pmMain PlenaryAnnual MWACD Business Meeting
•     Halloween Costume Contest Winners
•     Elections
2024 Annual Meeting Update
2025 Annual Meeting Selection